Art Brut︰每個人都間唔中想變sexy


我真的由Art Brut 2005推出首張專輯【Bang Bang Rock & Roll】時已經知道我同呢隊band 一定有好好發展機會。確實,當年首張專輯風頭火勢係威係馬,到慢慢已經不是音樂雜誌的寵兒,我仍然係一張又一張聽,然後一張又一張咁喜歡。聽Art Brut永遠有著說不出的樂趣,他們有的是punk rock的 骨子,卻有簡單直接的美學,又有種無厘頭的幽默搞鬼,最後就是由主音Eddie Argos 那種古怪唱法及英國口音來吐出的靈魂。

不經不覺已經來到他們第四張專輯【Brilliant!Tragedy!】。單從Pixeis Frontman Frank Black作producer已經叫人嘩左一聲。再聽,係,聽,因為已經網上流出了!哇,真係唔同了,呢張真係唔係講笑有少少The Pixies的一些鬼影,結他riff密了,樂器的層次多了(尤其呢點最有The Pixies味道)唱法亦稍稍收歛了。關於唱,Eddie Argos 咁樣講︰

so Black Francis had time to teach me how to sing. I’m very proud that I sing on it. Only took four albums to start singing, not bad.”

哈哈。其實Frank Black在當年Pixies唱法亦一樣是隨意派了

“This time the album is more about how I think I’m psychic, songs for my funeral, the principality of Sealand and Axl Rose. Weightier topics I think. I’m also sexier now”。

Explaining the record’s themes, Eddie Argos continued: “Bang Bang Rock & Roll did what it said on the tin. It’s A Bit Complicated was a bit complicated. On Art Brut vs. Satan we had to fight Satan. This one follows the same pattern, it is a ‘brilliant, tragic’, record. If it was a TV show you’d define it as a dramedy.”

哈哈,真係吹佢唔漲。呢張專輯歌詞依然生活依然搞笑。例如《Sexy》一曲便昃講︰「Everyone wants to feel sexy sometimes」。又例如Axi Rose便是給Gun’N’Rose的Axi Rose的歌。不過咁,大家不如先聽有免費下載的《Unprofessional Wrestling》先啦。

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