又一隊惡趣味女子樂團The Coathangers

來自美國Atlanta的四人女子樂團The Coathangers,一如以往如Chicks on Speed等的瘋狂女子樂團,集Punk、Post Punk及實驗性於一身,總之是一股粗獷的女子力量。同名的Debut Album【The Coathangers】收錄十七首作品,平均長度為兩分鐘,唯有兩首作品有三分鐘之長,那你可想像她們的作品是如何短小精悍,如《Nestle in my boobies》唱著「Nestle in my boobies,it’s so comfortable」,是碟內最Nasty惡趣味的一首,不過專輯內也有不少帶有可口甜蜜的作品。而讓我在這裏動筆介紹的還是《Parking Lot》一曲,因為讓我想起AMK,正。


Band of Horses的結束開始

Band of Horses
Cease to begin
Label︰Sub Pop︱2007

作為一支結他主導的搖滾樂團,來自美國的Band of Horses的Debut已經叫我成為了他們的忠實樂迷,擁有著Neil Young味道的南部搖滾(Southern Rock),在紮實的結他圍牆下是主音高吭卻滄浪的聲線及放浪不羈的味道。

第二張專輯【Cease to begin】經歷了團員Mat Brooke的離陣及錄音地之南移外,基本上氣氛與味道也沒有大差異,一樣是低沉得來卻熱血沸騰的搖滾曲目,像是序幕的《Is There a Ghost(MV)》由呢喃發展到結他熱浪層層遞增,帶來源源不盡的快感。不過,除了像是Downtempo的《Marry Song》的低沉又或是散懶節奏下《Detlef Schrempf》的深情感性與淒迷外,這專輯反而多了更多輕快的曲目,像或許會像一些pop rock 樂團曲目的《Ode To LRC》又或是愉快的《The General Specific》,反而少了debut的叢叢結他。不過,還是一張別家難求的動聽搖滾專輯。


一起離開吧,Rufus Wainwright《Going To a Town》


美國的Rufus Wainwright一直的音樂都帶著陰沉潮濕的氣氛,當中的愁絲像蜘蛛絲一樣纏得緊緊的。五月十五日將要推出新專輯【Release the Stars】,最新single 《Going to a Town》率先暴光。還是一樣的感覺。

I’m so tired of…
I got a life to lead

Rufus Wainwright Going To a Town

I’m going to a town that has already been burnt down
I’m going to a place that has already been disgraced
I’m gonna see some folks who have already been let down

I’m so tired of America

I’m gonna make it up for all of the Sunday Times
I’m gonna make it up for all of the nursery rhymes
They never really seem to want to tell the truth
I’m so tired of you America

Making my own way home
Ain’t gonna be alone
I got a life to lead

I got a life to lead

Tell me
Do you really think you’d go to hell for having loved
Tell me
Enough for thinking everything you’ve done is good
I really need to know
After soaking the body of Jesus Christ in blood
I’m so tired of America

I really need to know

I may just never see you again or might as well
You took advantage of a world that loved you well
I’m going to a town that has already been burnt down
I’m so tired of you America

Making my own way home
Ain’t gonna be alone
I’ve got a life to lead

I got a life to lead
I got a soul to feed
I got a dream to heed
And that’s all I need

Making my own way home
Ain’t gonna be alone
I’m going to the town that has already been burnt down

Calexico Strangely Beautiful

Garden Ruin

一直都沒有擁有Calexico的專輯,雖然喜歡他們,然而到唱片舖逛時看到他們的專輯都要略貴,於是便沒有買過他們的專輯了。不過,06年這張【Garden Ruin】只因封面我已經立即試聽,一聽便愛不釋手,專輯就是乖乖買了。

Calexico一直的美式搖滾風格都不太著重旋律,03年的【 Feast of Wire】稍稍Melodic,而相距三年的【Garden Ruin】卻全面迎向Pop Rock的懷抱,揉合拿手的美式民謠及搖滾風格,Melodic、Catchy得不得了,而且,每首歌都淒美得不行。《Cruel》的開場已叫我愛上這張專輯,結他的前奏直入心扉,風琴與Trumpet讓你意會到這首歌是何等細緻,美麗得不行。《Yours And Mine》結他與大提琴的溫柔,Nashville tuning Guitar的《Bisbee Blue》輕快indie pop、Steel Guitar的《Panic Open String》荒涼美、細碎結他帶來的西班牙風情《Roka》。這張Indie Pop/Country專輯,流利動人,實在合我口味,暫時是06年之最。唯一遺憾是,Calexico5月1日時到了Oslo Rockefeller演出,錯過了,遺憾。

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