Elton John vs Pnau,神奇迷幻跳舞台

我敢說,Elton John vs Pnau這張【Good Morning to the Night】真係意想不到地又懷舊又新潮。其實早在收音機聽單曲《Sad》一輪,但不認真聽也沒有留意。到今日唱片正式推出,聽下聽下,哇,我相信係其中一張老一輩歌手同新一輩歌手合作最成功的一個project。我真係估唔到歸於最老土最傳統pop的Elton John 會響六十幾歲時忽然會咁潮,你會想像到響舞池聽到呢張碟的歌時會幾興奮!
Elton John你當然識啦,但Pnau就未必知。 來自澳洲的Pnau其實是二人電子跳舞duo,由Nick Littlemore 及Peter Mayes組成。而Nick 就係澳洲紅到爆組合 Empire of the Sun的一子。

單聽單曲《Sad》你已經覺得神奇,屬於Elton John 那個年代的keyboard riff 及melody 但卻出現如在未來城市一般的fuzzy riff及節奏中。再正係用o既聲又有真又有電,又有極度懷舊的brass 但你又好似star trek咁的感覺。哇,好鬼好聽o者。成張碟都係類似感覺,surreal 後現代,十分神奇迷幻,睇埋你就知有幾正,睇佢點玩舊電影同蒙太奇(montage)同埋elton john個iconic 就知正。look


New Buffalo 是來自澳洲的Sally Seltmann的創作女歌手,推出了兩張專輯,她最廣受人認識的作品應是給加拿大歌手Feist寫下的單曲《1 2 3 4》,其實她自己的作品一樣動聽,或者是更動聽。例如最新單曲《Cheer Me Up Thank You(MV觀看)》美妙得實在如身在澳洲享受著寫意的一個陽光寫意的下午,MV也將這樣單純的感覺拍出來。


Sally Seltmann除了有把美嗓子外,外表也是一個美女,如斯配搭,真妙。2007年頭推出的【Somewhere, Anywhere.】也是一張一直在默默聽默默享受的好專輯,很快介紹一下。

Cheer Me Up Thank You – Lyrics
so it goes
the ordinary people, they do not know
who we are or what we’re doing here
they want you to pick up the phone
and hum the dial tone
you see, we should start from the top
and look at what we’ve done

wild flowers growing in the park
summertime, and it melts into dark
dancing together at night until two
cheering me up, and i’m thanking you

so it goes
the ordinary people, they do not know
who we are or what we’re doing here
they want you to pick up the phone
and hum the dial tone
you see, we should start from the top
and look at what we’ve done

wild flowers growing in the park
summertime, and it melts into dark
dancing together at night until two
cheering me up, and i’m thanking you

you’re cheering me up
and i’m thanking you
guess what, you’re cheering me up
and i’m thanking you