2009年Peter Bjorn & John冇野好擔心

2008 年過了一個陰霾的一年,2009 年一開始,便感到有很多好音樂包圍,心情特別好。當代瑞典pop班霸Peter Bjorn & John仍然是本人心頭好,新曲《Nothing To Worry About》一樣聽得開心到暈,其實像極【Writer’s Block】中的《Amsterdam》的變奏,以小朋友尖聲大合唱開頭,依然是那份舊的質感,依舊怪雞卻爽快跳脫。

以好音樂,展望2009,Nothing to worry about。



不過,聽聖誕歌我則是不遺餘力,每年聖誕特別多樂團推出聖誕歌,挪威Label Cafe Superstar 今年也送上聖誕歌作禮,送來新樂團Betty & the Cavaleros的兩首twee到不行的作品免費下載,《Hey! Im your gift today》,甜得佢哇。

Hey! Im your gift today – Betty & the Cavaleros

流星總喜愛趁人疏忽的一剎 橫越那靜默稻田

聽藍奕邦版本的《流星月台》,因為藍奕邦演繹的用力與音樂混入了爵士的編法,不及Shine原版天佑唱的《流星月台》動人,原版的鋼琴,美麗,如流星,一粒一粒音輕輕而鏘鏘進入你耳朵你腦海你心砍,天佑那把innocent 的聲音,不是關於演唱技巧或唱功,就是那份無力軟弱又帶點情絲的質感。

Shine 雖然已成歷史,但留下的歌曲卻比磨爛蓆的歌手有更多出色作品。如果黃偉文給了最好的給Shine,那藍奕邦也交了接近最好的Shine。藍奕邦的詞,是秀麗。若然沒有了如「才驟覺很想鬢辮」這類過份簡化而又有點流於俗套刻板典型的意象,這首詞就會更美。



Shine – 流星月台 歌詞

流星月台 – Shine


貴為當代瑞典international pop 的代表The Cardigans,主音Nina Persson 又再以A Camp 名義推出毎人大碟【Colonia】。今次簽了Reveal Records,先來一首《Strong than Jesus》,結他聲的鏘鏘道來,和聲管樂營造的飽暖氣氛情緒,唱來一句又一句hook如「Don’t you know Love is stronger than Jesus」(「而福音不過是沒法感動我的情信」 楊千嬅/黃偉文的《零號》???haha),明白了,接近【Long Gone Before Daylight】的結他pop 風格,那種夜半低迴的意境,反覆吟唱,是了是了,很期待。

Stronger Than Jesus – A Camp


美國三人樂團Chairlift,debut 【Does you inspire you」其實是張像cover一樣神神秘秘,又帶著鬼馬創意的詼諧感覺,然而,詭異在,碟中一首《Bruises》雖然個tone都好低沉,但實質卻是令人聽得開心到死的首對唱情歌,由intro的drum beat到之後所有處理,都聽得人異常心曠神怡,「I try to do handstands for you, but everytime I fell for you, permanently black and blue, permanently bruise for you」。

Bruises – Chairlift


這幾天都在不斷在聽David Byrne and Brian Eno相隔【My Life in the Bush of Ghosts】接近廿多載再次合作的【Everything That Happens Will Happen Today】一碟。Brian Eno貴為20世紀裏最重要的音樂人的座上客,年屆六十的他當然仍然能交出一張不會令人失望的專輯,由The Roxy Music到Talking Heads或是由「搖滾」的Brian Eno到「實際/環境」的Brian Eno,都不曾讓人失望過。

以前合作的一碟玩實驗,這張專輯則主調玩民謠與Gospel,首首都以人聲作主導,混雜豐富的音樂元素有時像聽David Sylvian有時似The Beach Boys,當然你都一定聽到Talking Heads的丁點味道。再細看Davyd Byrne的歌詞,原本我是打算送上【Strange Overtones】的一曲,但最後打算改送《MY BIG NURSE 》或《LIFE IS LONG》,因為David Byrne的歌詞,像前者寫混沌的現世

「When the past becomes the now
When the lost becomes the found
When we fall in love with war
When the angel fucks the whore 」


「Soul to soul- A kiss and a sigh
Sawed in half- by the passage of time
Halfway home- from a window you see
Chains and bars- but I am still free 」



Life Is Long – David Byrne and Brian Eno


Ev’rybody says that the living is easy
I can barely see ‘cause my head’s in the way
Tigers walk behind me- they are to remind me that
I’m lost- but I’m not afraid

Soul to soul- A kiss and a sigh
Sawed in half- by the passage of time
Halfway home- from a window you see
Chains and bars- but I am still free

People on the outside- I remember sweet times
This old rose- is always in bloom
Ev’ryone is happy- to be a baby daddy
Stone love- with nothing to lose

Life is long- if you give it way
So stay, don’t go- ‘cause I’m fading away
Soul to soul- between you and me
Chain me down- but I am still free

Now I can say- those three little words
And ev’ry day- I’m dreaming a world
Soul to soul- a kiss and a sigh
Holding back- the waters outside.

Life is long- if you give it way
So stay, don’t go- ‘cause I’m fading away
Soul to soul- between you and me
Chain me down- but I am still free