對於Fly me to the Moon lee首歌我一直有個疑問

在新聞組看見有人在tv-game 谷誤發post,但內容十分好笑︰

thread 的題目是「對於Fly me to the Moon lee首歌我一直有個疑問」

Fly me to the oon and let me play among the stars
帶我飛去月球,給我同星星玩遊戲 <---lee句okay Let me see what spring is lie on jupiter and mars 俾我看看天王星同火星之間有乜春<------ ............. 定乜彈弓﹖


4 Responses to “對於Fly me to the Moon lee首歌我一直有個疑問”

  1. 個位人兄只要肯花幾秒時間google一下, 就唔會有咁o既疑惑。不過, 佢o既翻譯真係幾搞笑 🙂


    Fly me to the moon
    Let me sing among those stars
    Let me see what spring is like
    On jupiter and mars

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