看timeout 這個「The Time Out Top 20」,我真的只是睇到啤一聲。
The Time Out Top 20
We asked a group of experts to rank Hong Kong’s best musicians according to talent, individuality, career achievements, promise for the future, and X factor. Then we put the results into a barrel and stirred. Here’s what we came up with.
單看選取條件有「promise for the future, and X factor」這兩環,而第一位竟是仍然我們親愛的明哥時,再到12位竟然出現何韻詩。然而,其他選擇又會有一些「另類」的單位出現時,例如第8位出現了ST我也替他高興…雖然我知道Timeout是一本歷史悠久而是走高品味目標讀者是外國人加中產的品味雜誌,但是看著這樣子選一個香港top20,本人真是難以接受。
再看何韻詩的稿,唉,扮椎名林檎滿口抱負卻其實唱鄭秀文式肉麻麻情歌的,幾時是「stylish and charismatic Cantopop star」?呢個時代仲用「star」呢個字?
Denise Ho, the stylish and charismatic Cantopop star, has built a loyal following with her killer combo of dynamite live performances and bold artistic choices. Ho makes our list not only for her compelling turns in song, stage, and film, but also for her reliably outspoken mind.
還未夠,再看這版,吳雨霏的一行,哦,” to develop her own, edgier image’,哦,我而家終於明白英文的力量。
Kary Ng A pop rock singer who left the saccharine girl band Cookies to develop her own, edgier image.
x factor 真人秀…
方大同係not quite the top 20? fine, 但係同 kary 會唔會係下幾個level