夏日心情,Whitney 湖頂的光

時間飛,轉間眼來到夏天,Oslo 這邊一下子突然踏入盛夏,每天太陽猛烈地照,天天溫度達至近三十度。
這陣子都在聽幾隊很喜歡的新樂隊,其中一個是其實是二人身的Whitney,由Secretly Canadian 出版,正是這個夏日的淸涼懷舊之選。
Whitney 即是Max Kakacek及 Julien Ehrlich組成的樂團,二人前身在 Smith Westerns,而Ehrlich 則與是 Unknown Mortal Orchestra𪓨的成員。Whitney 的音樂就像是2016年翻新的六七十年country rock 及soul音樂,像首支單曲No Woman 更有點像Unknown Mortal Orchestra玩Neil Young 歌咁。
而其中最有趣的係二人創作嘗試用「虛構人物」Whitney 角度出發,二人分飾一角,想像Whitney 會寫什麼歌。
We were both writing as this one character, and whenever we were stuck, we’d ask, ‘What would Whitney do in this situation?’ We personified the band name into this person, and that helped a lot. We wrote the record as though one person were playing everything. We purposefully didn’t add a lot of parts and didn’t bother making everything perfect, because the character we had in mind wouldn’t do that.
不講咁多,自己睇Secretly Canadian的介紹,寫得很詳盡了。同時Whitney 將與Unknown Mortal Orchestra 及 Wild Nothing作tour,而他們的音樂是一貫美國近年「新懷舊」式的爽朗indie 作品,他們應會越來越受歡迎吧。