瑞典Air France曲終雲散

來自瑞典哥德堡(Gothenborg),在Sincerely Yours旗下的Air France最近宣佈散band了。讀到這裡,還不禁有點心酸。

「And we have probably produced 7 albums since No Way Down; a UK Garage record, a house record, an r ‘n’ b record… but we’ve never been able to finish anything, nothing was ever good enough. We have tried so hard, and we truly gave it all we had. And now we have decided to stop trying, even though it breaks our hearts. But for all the reasons mentioned above, and for a thousand more, we don’t regret a thing.」

玩樂團從來都不易,香港人玩band要成名,要賺錢;相反北歐的玩band朋友真的很多為玩音樂,為追求自己的藝術情趣。我們當然不會忘記Air France為我們提供過比真的Air France更舒暢的電子飛行體驗,在此以表敬意。

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