這幾天都在不斷在聽David Byrne and Brian Eno相隔【My Life in the Bush of Ghosts】接近廿多載再次合作的【Everything That Happens Will Happen Today】一碟。Brian Eno貴為20世紀裏最重要的音樂人的座上客,年屆六十的他當然仍然能交出一張不會令人失望的專輯,由The Roxy Music到Talking Heads或是由「搖滾」的Brian Eno到「實際/環境」的Brian Eno,都不曾讓人失望過。
以前合作的一碟玩實驗,這張專輯則主調玩民謠與Gospel,首首都以人聲作主導,混雜豐富的音樂元素有時像聽David Sylvian有時似The Beach Boys,當然你都一定聽到Talking Heads的丁點味道。再細看Davyd Byrne的歌詞,原本我是打算送上【Strange Overtones】的一曲,但最後打算改送《MY BIG NURSE 》或《LIFE IS LONG》,因為David Byrne的歌詞,像前者寫混沌的現世
「When the past becomes the now
When the lost becomes the found
When we fall in love with war
When the angel fucks the whore 」
「Soul to soul- A kiss and a sigh
Sawed in half- by the passage of time
Halfway home- from a window you see
Chains and bars- but I am still free 」
Ev’rybody says that the living is easy
I can barely see ‘cause my head’s in the way
Tigers walk behind me- they are to remind me that
I’m lost- but I’m not afraid
Soul to soul- A kiss and a sigh
Sawed in half- by the passage of time
Halfway home- from a window you see
Chains and bars- but I am still free
People on the outside- I remember sweet times
This old rose- is always in bloom
Ev’ryone is happy- to be a baby daddy
Stone love- with nothing to lose
Life is long- if you give it way
So stay, don’t go- ‘cause I’m fading away
Soul to soul- between you and me
Chain me down- but I am still free
Now I can say- those three little words
And ev’ry day- I’m dreaming a world
Soul to soul- a kiss and a sigh
Holding back- the waters outside.
Life is long- if you give it way
So stay, don’t go- ‘cause I’m fading away
Soul to soul- between you and me
Chain me down- but I am still free
九號風球的日子, 聽瑞典Uppsala的Johan Heltne【Vetenskapliga bevis för att Jesus lever】也許頗適合,運用電子音色加上絃樂等製造迷離的氣氛,幻得幻失,《Hjärta. Instinkt. Principer.》會像是在一個人在偌大的湖泊裏划行一艘簡陋的木筏。又如《Mayas sång》在輕快的電氣節奏裏粗糙的結他聲浪與及合成器的音浪帶著頹廢的星期天氣氛。(下載部份MP3)
瑞典Malmö的Indie unit Homeland 即是Mikael Carlsson的化身,其作品實在是那種越聽越好聽的作品,23 seconds Label更用「one of Sweden´s best kept secrets」來形容他,確實,玩單純Indie Pop的作品都是帶著淡淡傷懷情緒的流暢作品,越聽越有味,有點像回憶的點線面,慢慢地呈現應有的色彩,都是不多著墨,卻是窩心得令人鼻酸的,像《Flood》這點題單曲。
對於挪威的這個紅極歐洲一時的歌手Espen Lind,我以前聽到他的作品是會皺哂眉頭果種,不是難聽,只是那種典型「靚仔」造型同太過情深款款的歌曲不是我的一杯茶。但他的第五張大碟【Army of One】則改變造型,人長大了,收起了長髮靚仔look,收起了大頭相,換來的音樂也讓我聽得開心,down to earth 的流行曲,用最簡單的結構與編排,用他那把靚聲有幾高音唱幾高音,就如呢一首用ukelele的《Scared of Heights》,就十分好聽。