挪威的嘻哈xPop Rock

挪威的唱作人Sondre Lerche或者大家都熟識,但Lars Vaular或者就較陌生。Lars Vaular同樣來自Bergen,是挪威當代其中一個最撈得掂的Rapper,Sondre 唱英文仲去美國定居發展,相反Lars Vauler則本土得多,Rap 挪威文亦rap 自己dialect。仲有,其實Lars Vaular同Sondre Lerche更係親戚一場。因為聽到蛋堡x黃玠的《放個假》咁好聽,所以亦要將大概兩個月前兩人合作的《Øynene lukket》送上,開心而且充滿童趣,大家一齊合上眼。


每隔幾年就會有一隊法國冷峰攻陷國際樂壇,早十年八載有Daft Punk, Air,呢幾年M83則終於名氣愈來愈大,新碟【Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming】成功打入各國流行榜外,單曲《Midnight City》更成為一首大hit。

《Midnight City》MV玩異能孩子擁有超能力的故事,十分詭異。新單曲《Reunion》原來係呢個異能人故事的下集,依然詭異神奇,正正配合M83的音樂氣流的質感。

Jake Bugg你是六十年代

聽Jake Bugg實在想不到又是一個年紀輕輕但聲音極老的聲音,不過十八十九歲,玩的卻是六十年代的音色。當然,你第一下聯想到瑞典的The Tallest Man on the Earth,我就想起同樣受著六十年代影響的挪威唱作人Jonas Alaska。同時歌曲亦令我諗起《No Milk Today》。

不過,來自英國Nottingham的Jake Bugg就是有英倫的angst, grunge及傲骨,第二支單曲《Lightning Bolt》的氣味貫徹英國(尤其北部城填)的反叛味道,最叫人醒神係guitar solo的那個很不60s的結他。簽了Mercury Records的Jake Bugg,相信又係英國新一代寵兒。

Jake Bugg 官網

零二夏日爽神大碟Cornershop【Urban Turban】

真正踏入夏天,這個星期天氣好得要命。夏天真的是需要配合夏天音樂,不然夏天就會變得悶悶熱熱,沒有生氣。來自英國的Cornershop 新碟【Urban Turban】正正是這個夏天的最好的消暑良方。


最新大碟【Urban Turban】由《What Did The Hippie Have In His Bag?》作帶頭單曲及專輯的opener,加上小朋友和唱,我在電台時已經聽到十分高興,現在終於可以鍾意就聽,就更加高興。

隨著Ko Ko在這個夏天浮游

這幾天天氣好,陽光直曬,不過轉個身,劃個圈,就是夏天了。這提醒我,每個夏天總爆一兩首可愛到不得了的新樂隊名字的夏日解暑作,這個夏天或者仍然可以是年頭已經出爐但仍在媒體裏流傳著的Ko Ko 首張EP 【Float】。

來自California 的Ko Ko擁有美好的dreamp pop 元素,但聲音的選擇上又有多少民謠民族的感覺,這不過是第一擊,看來還有大把好野等住來。先聽Float 一起Float。

Ko Ko 的Bandcamp

Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it

有一些樂團的音樂是有自毀傾向的,相信英國London 的Black Box Recorder 是其中一隊。還記得他們在MV裏如何扮撞車測試的dummies 。今天又落雨又落雹,陰陰沉沉,播一播favourite playlist, random 地播,就播到他們最黑暗亦是我最喜愛的Child Psychology。

歌是這樣唱的,Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it.

I stopped talking when I was six years old

I didn’t want anything more to do with the outside world

I was happy being quiet

But of course they wouldn’t leave me alone

My parents tried every trick in the book

From speech therapists to child psychologists

They even tried bribery

I could have anything, as long as I said it out loud

Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it

Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it

Of course this episode didn’t last forever

I’d made my point and it was time to move on

To peel away the next layer of deceit

And see what new surprises lay in store

My school report said I showed no interest

‘A disruptive influence’ I felt sorry for them in a way

And when they finally expelled me

It didn’t mean a thing

Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it

Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it

(“At that time she stopped what she was doing, she stopped playing…

she stared, she had the facial grimicing…

and then the psychiatrist was saying, “Julie, Julie, can you hear me?

Can you open your eyes? Can you stick out your tongue?”

And all of a sudden, Julie struck out”)

The November when I came home the Christmas decorations were already up

Spray on snow, coloured flashing lights

And an artificial tree that played Silent Night

Over and over again

My parents welcomed me with loving arms

But within an hour were back at each others throats

Normal, happy childhood back on course

Batteries not included

Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it

Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it

Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it

Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it


很久沒blog,沒辦法,太忙太忙,但再忙都要有個譜,要來update 一下。

The Loveable Tulips由Pia and Pernilla組成,基本上兩人在音樂圈已浸淫了一段日子,為過 Jenny Wilson, El Perro Del Mar and Frida Hyvönen等作和音,如今她們終於經Minty Fresh Records,正式以自己名義出音樂。

對比起上支單曲《I am Just a Heart》,最新單曲《Streets》是瑞典獨有的可愛清爽的獨立音樂,單是結他與bass再加鼓,便可以跌蕩有節,再以Pia and Pernilla兩把重疊的聲音,以傳統choir式演唱法唱出。簡單美麗。