還未聽哂,但Spector榜上有名其實就如上年James Blake的榜上有名一樣,因為都係已經在唔同媒體被hyped被講了。記得老早之前聽《Never Fade Away》時已經覺得有趣,Never Fade Away,是一個很勁的statement,很具力量亦有一種很混亂的思緒。再聽最新單曲《Grey Shirt and Tie》,唔,難怪被會被人扣上Roxy Music x Killer x The Strokes這些名字。其實還是很重的Shoegaze的味道,不過整個手法及表達便有不一樣的浪費感覺,感覺有點像北歐dreamy電音撞上英國brit pop,很妙。(不過MV 尾段的footage 竟然係瑞典文…諗返其實成個mv 都頗北歐)
單看宣傳照以為他們的形象又是另一隊indie hipster,怎知來自East London 的他們原來都喜歡西裝上陣,有點posh,或者真是想學Roxy的形象吧?至於主意Fred Macpherson原來已經在MTV當過主持,台上的他被形容為光鮮愛打扮的Jarvis Cocker,哼,目前為止,都係等Spector 出左張Debut Album 再討論。種種跡象,加埋下年support Florance and the Machibne,佢地gonna be big。
AM: When I was eight as well. I never got lessons. I took influence from Chet Baker, Ian Dury, and Joe Strummer. I don’t hear my voice and think, “Yeah, that’s a banging voice!” It’s more about putting the right emotions into the right words and the lyrics than anything else to me.
哇,Chet Baker, Ian Dury, and Joe Strummer唔怪知得你玩得出一首《Out Getting Ribs》好聽又極度低沉傷感具情感爆發力的作品。最新單曲《The Noose of Jah Cit》一樣好聽到痺,加入中板鼓聲及電子trippy tone,由傷感變得迷幻愜意一點,噢,難怪你可以咁形容主流音樂
“I didn’t really care about anyone else liking it because the mainstream music that everyone likes is shit anyway,”
I’ve never been a real big fan of capitalism. I’ve studied quite a lot of Marxist theory. I’m still quite confused about it, to be honest, but I just like learning about all of it. Knowledge is power.
可謂是威爾斯的鎮國之寶的Manic Street Preachers宣佈會休息一會,以翻唱The The經典《This is The Day》作告別,Well, 坦白說,本人十分喜歡Manics的,但這個cover又確實真係十分行加真係有d 強姦感覺。不過咁,你地暫別,我都希望你地會返來同有個更有心的come back, cheerio! 但播The The 版本的《This is The Day》,賣飛佛!
來自奧斯陸的樂隊Team Me今年可謂是挪威其中一個重量單位,簽下Propeller Recordings,稍前己推出到英國錄音及製作的首張同名EP 【Team Me】,相隔三個月現即推出首張大碟【To The Treetops! and beyond】!哇!
其實Team Me原本係Marius D. Hagen的one man band,但好似其他類似projects 一樣,越玩越大,而家變成一行七人的大orchestrated樂隊。咦,所以咁樣,我覺得Team Me就好似Architecture in Helsinki的北歐版本一樣,玩味搞鬼有學術派風格卻聽得出有北歐不一樣的聲音,不過就冇咁多instruments 同多d 電音同結他。你單係聽佢live 玩呢首個名長到冇朋友的《With My Hands Covering Both of my Eyes I am Too Scared to Have a Look at You Now》就會明白我所講的描述,確實係又好玩又catchy 又爽勁的indie pop,難怪被國家電台nrk p3 猛咁播成為A-List作品。唔講其他,單係專輯第一cut 《Riding My Bicycle (From Ragnvalsbekken To Sørkedalen)》近十分鐘的單車之旅而攝了你的靈魂!