來自Chris Garneau的多愁善感

Chris Garneau
Music For Tourists
Label:Absolutely Kosher︱2007

對這位來自紐約Brooklyn的唱作人Chris Garneau的首張專輯感興趣,全因碟名【Music For Tourists】及其封面的墮機圖像。

我反覆聽了四五次,以鋼琴為基調的Minimal音樂,沒鼓沒bass,偶爾有絃樂。旋律不強,Chris Garneau 那把帶點陰柔單薄的聲線在懶散的節奏下有如喃喃自語,如果他用上結他等搖滾樂,那肯定是sadcore。歌詞沒有多少跟旅遊有關,圍繞與朋友或愛人的細微關係,似是女生多愁善感的日誌。初聽有點像不騷不癢,但再聽卻被這樣簡約的氣氛吸引,然後就被那些坦白直接的感情事感染。輕快一點的小品《Blue Suede Shoes》與及這首《Not Nice》對朋友或身邊人的坦白,很窩心。


Not Nice – Chris Garneau

Always so still, i never will, be like you.
And you never will strike, me better
ba da…

It’s always so clear, you never really hear, at all..
and i fear, that you wont get better
ba da dum …..

As when you’re not being nice,
you’re not nice, you’re not nice,
you’re not nice.
I’d rather leave you alone,
I’m gonna leave you alone

You’ve been quiet for so long,
something was wrong,
you never said it a word.
So i know that you won’t get better,
ba da dum ……

that’s your fifth drink,
don’t you think, that that’s a lot?
Considering we’ve only been her for a little while now
oh ohhh oh

when you’re not being nice,
you’re not nice, you’re not nice,
you’re not nice.
I’d rather leave you alone,
i’m gonna leave you alone

Your’ always so still,
I, never will
be like you-hew-hew,
and you never will strike me a better at all- ohh oah

Sometimes your nice,
but when you’re not nice, you’re not nice,
you’re not nice.
I’d rather leave you alone,
I’m gonna leave you alone.



來自挪威奧斯陸首都的八人樂團Superfamily由05年的debut開始,已引起不少媒體的注目,玩retro搖滾的他們,最有趣之處是Superfamily八人當中除了基本的主音、結他、鼓手、鍵盤手及bass手外,還有三位團員Anders Nielsen、Terje Krumins及 Håkon Moe是負責和音與及跳舞部份,對,跳舞,所以最叫我津津樂道還是他們的抵死MV,Debut album 裏的《Taxi Dancing》及《It’s a lie》MV都精彩,前者走quirky 路線,像在挪威街道上上演了一場歌舞電影,後者顏色玩得出色。

本年發行的第二張專輯【WARSZAWA】雖還未認真細聽,80年代的搖滾味道更重,單曲《The Radio Has Expressed Concerns About What…》更在電台熱播三個月,相對起來MV卻較之前的MV稍遜,不過夜視效果的《I Could Be A Real Winner》中整隊樂團在困獸鬥中神經失常般的演繹與及主音Steven Wilson依舊表情肉緊豐富則較依然好看。




狂歡Hold Music


如果還未接觸過Architecture in Helsinki的朋友,別以為他們是來自芬蘭的Helsinki,其實他們是來自澳洲的樂團。首兩張專輯技驚四座,【In Case we die】更是精彩絕倫。八人大樂隊的他們,每人都懂得演奏不同樂器,也許就是他們的音樂多姿多采的原因。


不過,由八人變六人,Isobel Knowles 與Tara Shackell 兩位女團員離團,不知是否與剛推出的最新專輯【Places Like This】沒之前動聽有關,電音多了,人聲卻少了,也少了以前精彩的玩聲,也許是之前太精彩了?無論如何,新碟依然好聽,尤其這首單曲《Hold Music》,仍然保持著那份傻勁與神經質。MV更是像向日本的特攝超人致敬,在彈床上跳跳玩玩,與歌曲一樣單純地好玩。

I’m from barcelona與Britney Spears


對於這隊來自瑞典的廿九人大樂團I’m from barcelona,不少網友早也已經介紹過。一直表演不斷的他們,剛公佈了他們的最新單曲,名為《Britney》,對,是有關Birtney Spears的作品,更因此被媒體所報導。歌曲擁抱個人自由,我們何苦去干涉又或是對別人的私生活閒言閒語?「Why did we care if good old Britney wants to shave her head?」



New Buffalo 是來自澳洲的Sally Seltmann的創作女歌手,推出了兩張專輯,她最廣受人認識的作品應是給加拿大歌手Feist寫下的單曲《1 2 3 4》,其實她自己的作品一樣動聽,或者是更動聽。例如最新單曲《Cheer Me Up Thank You(MV觀看)》美妙得實在如身在澳洲享受著寫意的一個陽光寫意的下午,MV也將這樣單純的感覺拍出來。


Sally Seltmann除了有把美嗓子外,外表也是一個美女,如斯配搭,真妙。2007年頭推出的【Somewhere, Anywhere.】也是一張一直在默默聽默默享受的好專輯,很快介紹一下。

Cheer Me Up Thank You – Lyrics
so it goes
the ordinary people, they do not know
who we are or what we’re doing here
they want you to pick up the phone
and hum the dial tone
you see, we should start from the top
and look at what we’ve done

wild flowers growing in the park
summertime, and it melts into dark
dancing together at night until two
cheering me up, and i’m thanking you

so it goes
the ordinary people, they do not know
who we are or what we’re doing here
they want you to pick up the phone
and hum the dial tone
you see, we should start from the top
and look at what we’ve done

wild flowers growing in the park
summertime, and it melts into dark
dancing together at night until two
cheering me up, and i’m thanking you

you’re cheering me up
and i’m thanking you
guess what, you’re cheering me up
and i’m thanking you

Múm 的紙色恐怖MV

冰島的Mum的專輯【Go Go Smear The Poison Ivy】即將推出,單曲《They Made Frogs Smoke ‘Til They Exploded》的MV卻經已出動,由Ingibjörg Birgisdóttir執導處理的MV,利用STOPMOTION ANIMATION技巧利用畫紙上的繪圖,玩弄紙張上的暴力血腥,風格弔詭。現Pitchfork率先送上。
