唔抄得唔得?香港台灣大陸任何中國人華人龍的傳人台灣人唔好再抄得唔得,對於主流的創作,唔係抄又係抄,點解淨係識抄?有時參考下,Inspired by 實有,但抄人條橋都唔好抄到咁核突。喂,我講緊的係女新人庭竹《喜歡你》的新MV,擺明抄我無論歌曲本身與及MV都十分十分十分喜歡的Badly Drawn Boy 《Year of the Rat》,算係點。人地又係講Love,又係講Hub,又係講Peace,人地拍到可以咁玩味但又感人又有message,帶出歌者對世界存在的敵意的不滿,希望多點簡單愛…Well,庭竹呢個呢?學人攬,卻是膚淺的彈出一個Love字,Kawaii元素,玩CG,玩公仔,但美感就…oh gosh,夠了夠了。
我想不用再多寫Pelle Carlberg 這張新專輯,由Labrador的官方Press以早期的Belle&Sesbestian的風格來形容這張【In a Nutshell】開始,再加上我們已經花了一年時間聽得頂瓜爛熟的《Middleclass Kids》、《Clever Girls Like Clever Boys Mucher More Than Clever Boys Like Clever Girls》以及也聽了個多月的《I Love You, You Imbecile》,全部都是直接輕快的indie pop 風格,我們便知道這張【In a Nutshell】真的不用多說,簡單以最少話,來聽這張簡單的屬於秋天的專輯。
由西班牙小鎮之名《Pamplona》的開始便已經將心情推向狂歡狀態,熱鬧狂歡的西班牙氣氛,像走進了Pamplona這個小鎮,心裡頭呈現與一班小朋友一起在公園玩樂的畫面。跟著的《I Love You, You Imbecile》越聽卻越甜,「I love the way you dress/ the way you make a mess/ and that’s you’re always late/ I love the way you smile/ and I can always tell you exaggerate」B段的這句實在完全是「愛是傻更更」的表現。
最後《In a Nutshell》結他淨音樂演奏後,送出早在EP【Riverbank】中露面的《Hit Song》2007年版本。Labrador叫他寫一首hit song,要衝擊Grammy,知道PC你寫的歌是可以sing along,但不是hit song作引旨,然後說出自己寧可寫自己喜歡的歌曲,當然,我想提的是尾段新加的「Hong Kong, you never go to Hong Kong」作結尾,實在有趣,相信當晚PC真的受到阿貓地攤的熱辣辣氣氛及熱情所感動吧?也讓我這個香港樂迷也感到受寵若驚。在我而言,他也早已有很多hit songs 了。
早說不寫最後又花了這麼的篇幅,in a nutshell please…不過,還是忍不著,我想這專輯好玩在就是Pelle Carlberg 他這年多作世界tour 的感受而成吧,很多歌曲也提及地名呢。
唉…不過我仲未睇過他的演出,HONG KONG,When will you come to Hong Kong?
我還在沉醉於北歐的音樂懷抱,從Firth裏得知Kings of Conveniece 的另一子Eirik Glambek Bøe組成Kommode與The Whitest Boy Alive一起作Tour,而首支單曲《Patient》亦已經提供試聽。風格仍然是很King of Convenience的,亦可以說也很The Whitest Boy Alive的,清脆乾淨的貝絲結他,而且歌曲的主柱也是Rhythm Bass。這中板流暢的旋律,適合這幾天的好天氣聽:)期待專輯的降臨。
挪威Bergen代表之外,還有瑞典Gothenburg的代表AuRevoAirFrance。Air France已經在06年推出了首張EP【On Trade Winds】,07年也因為單曲的外泄而索性將單曲《Afraid You Told Someone About Us》供免費下載。
AuRevoAirFrance有別於瑞典普遍的Indie Pop,玩的是電子音效的拼貼,以Reggae等跳脫的節奏來駕起像夢囈的Vocal,《Afraid You Told Someone About Us》便是這樣的一首單曲。建議大家讀讀他們的自我介紹,富有自省智慧與詩意的自我介紹。
AuRevoAirFrance—Afraid You Told Someone About Us
Manic Street Preachers 與Nina Persson 合作的最新單曲《Your Love alone is not Enough》已經派台了一段時間,Manic 新專輯【Send Away The Tigers】亦如火如荼五月推出。良久沒聽過Manic的新專輯,或者可以從這一張再Pick up重聽這隊老樂隊。
I’m going to a town that has already been burnt down
I’m going to a place that has already been disgraced
I’m gonna see some folks who have already been let down
I’m so tired of America
I’m gonna make it up for all of the Sunday Times
I’m gonna make it up for all of the nursery rhymes
They never really seem to want to tell the truth
I’m so tired of you America
Making my own way home
Ain’t gonna be alone
I got a life to lead
I got a life to lead
Tell me
Do you really think you’d go to hell for having loved
Tell me
Enough for thinking everything you’ve done is good
I really need to know
After soaking the body of Jesus Christ in blood
I’m so tired of America
I really need to know
I may just never see you again or might as well
You took advantage of a world that loved you well
I’m going to a town that has already been burnt down
I’m so tired of you America
Making my own way home
Ain’t gonna be alone
I’ve got a life to lead
I got a life to lead
I got a soul to feed
I got a dream to heed
And that’s all I need
Making my own way home
Ain’t gonna be alone
I’m going to the town that has already been burnt down