今年他的【Kill Uncle】專輯Remaster,我聽了又聽,確實這是小弟的最愛。不單是因為這專輯在音樂上的反傳統,而是這張專輯是眾多專輯最personal 最introspective 的一張。如果你是一個對The Smiths或Morrissey都不認識的朋友,那你可以從這一張入手,聽編曲,看歌詞,你就會明白Morrssey如何神奇地將個人很黑暗的題材及很尖銳的觀點變成音樂,暢暢快快唱出來。新舊兩個版本在專輯結尾的次序調轉了,原本的尾曲《There’s a place in hell for me and my friends》變為《(I’m the) End of the Family Line》,唱出「I’m the end of the Love」,你不心痛嗎?
當然,最喜歡的一首是《There’s a place in hell for me and my friends》,我不知道有多少朋友我希望可以在地獄重遇,但至少,一些真心的對channel的,我都希望大家能在地獄重遇。我不相信天堂,你相信天堂的或者你在天堂一個吧。
There is a place
For me and my friends
And when we go
We all will go
So you see
I’m never alone
There is a place
With a bit more time
And a few more
Gentler words
And looking back
We will forgive
(We had no choice
We always did)
All that we hope
Is when we go
Our skin
And our blood
And our bones
Don’t get in your way
Making you ill
The way they did
When we lived
There is a place
A place in hell
For me and my friends
And if ever I
Just wanted to cry
Then I will
Because I can
這幾天一直很喜歡這首歌,或者是陳雲被人取笑「落地獄」緣故吧。我不知道,如果有下一世,我們就在Cocorosie《After the Afterlife》重遇吧。
聽著愛爾蘭樂隊Villagers 《Nothing Arrived》一陣子了,這首歌的歌詞寫得很簡單,卻又很真實又殘酷。Conor O’Brien寫的東西很黑暗,但又很美麗。I waited for Something, and something died. So I waited for Nothng, and Nothing arrived.這不就是人生的過程嗎?
Savanna scatters and the seabird sings
So why should we fear what travel brings?
What were we hoping to get out of this?
Some kind of momentary bliss?
I waited for Something, and Something died
So I waited for Nothing, and Nothing arrived
It’s our dearest ally, it’s our closest friend
It’s our darkest blackout, it’s our final end
My dear sweet Nothing, let’s start a new
From here all in is just me and you
I waited for Something and Something died
So I waited for Nothing, and Nothing arrived
Well I guess it’s over, I guess it’s begun
It’s a losers’ table, but we’ve already won
It’s a funny battle, it’s a constant game
I guess I was busy when Nothing came
I guess I was busy (when Nothing arrived)
I guess I was busy (when Nothing arrived)
I guess I was busy (when Nothing arrived)
I guess I was busy (when Nothing arrived)
I guess I was busy (when Nothing arrived)
I waited for Something and Something died
So I waited for Nothing, and Nothing arrived
I waited for Something and Something died
So I waited for Nothing, and Nothing arrived
聽電台有樣東西最救命的是就是電台播歌的模式就是要播完又播播完又播去將一些歌變為大熱作。播完又播播完又播通常就會好易摧毀一d 寫得尤其簡單的一招了的流行曲。聽多一兩都要叫救命。不過,早前電台播完又播播完又播的《Don’t Save Me》則是少有地我聽完又聽都覺得依然係一首出色作品。
來自美國的三姊妹Haim因為簽了英國唱片公司而將英國變為基地,更被選為BBC Sound of 2013。三姊妹因為Last name 是Haim 所以就將樂隊改名為Haim。有趣地其實在不少Germanic 的語系中都解Home的意思,可謂十分有趣。之前單曲《Forever》已經精彩,挪威的簡約電音大哥Lindstrom 亦幫手做了隻Remix 助慶。到《Don’t Save Me》就被電台播到爛,先是小眾電台播,然後主流大電台也不斷播播播。
《Don’t Save Me》簡單來說就是直接爽快加十分有型格,尤其在主旋律上聽到有不少懷舊元素,總之整體就是簡單直接,什麼東西都到位有勁。再加上看她們的MV看到三個一碌竹身形的典型那種美國嬉皮hipster女生就覺得她們將會是下一個大東西了。