King Krule十七歲大哂


前幾日看到之前寫過的London十七歲男孩Zoo Kid,原來現已用另一名字King Krule來闖江湖,並剛在美國進行first gig,哇,十七歲;然後再在英國巡遊。

我只能說,佢呢個死o靚仔Archy Marshall真係不得了,talented到爆炸。出生於一個父母均在創意工業工作的佢話自己八歲開始就做歌,你話真係唔係講笑。佢仲話自己從未學過音樂,咁樣答︰

AM: When I was eight as well. I never got lessons. I took influence from Chet Baker, Ian Dury, and Joe Strummer. I don’t hear my voice and think, “Yeah, that’s a banging voice!” It’s more about putting the right emotions into the right words and the lyrics than anything else to me.

哇,Chet Baker, Ian Dury, and Joe Strummer唔怪知得你玩得出一首《Out Getting Ribs》好聽又極度低沉傷感具情感爆發力的作品。最新單曲《The Noose of Jah Cit》一樣好聽到痺,加入中板鼓聲及電子trippy tone,由傷感變得迷幻愜意一點,噢,難怪你可以咁形容主流音樂

“I didn’t really care about anyone else liking it because the mainstream music that everyone likes is shit anyway,”


I’ve never been a real big fan of capitalism. I’ve studied quite a lot of Marxist theory. I’m still quite confused about it, to be honest, but I just like learning about all of it. Knowledge is power.

唔,好,King Krule,你好野。

King Krule- The Noose of Jah City by truepanther

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