Pelle Carlberg的淡紫,唉呀

聽Pelle Carlberg 或是Edson,轉眼間有十年嗎,也差不多了。聽【The Lilac time】,沒有了【in a nutshell】的爽勁與力量,反而是像封套舊相片的淡淡情懷。
現在PC的音樂,感覺像讀他定期出版的散文集,全是他的個人生活感受,有鬱鬱的,像《1983(Pelle & Sebastian)》的訴說童年往事的唏噓、《Whisper》的忽然深息、《Tired of being PC》對漸漸改變的自己的不滿。當然,仍然有充滿充默感的題材,像《Fly me to the Moon》便再現《go to hell, miss rydell》的幽默,「I’ll never fly with you Ryan」中的「Ryan」其實指Ryanair,又是最溫柔動聽的咒罵;《51,3》是在Facebook測出心靈年齡是51歲而引起的話題;《Stockholm vs Paris》是精簡地串「外國月亮特別圓」的媚外心理……
不過整張專輯最喜歡的,是串當代青年的《Because I’m worth it 》,或者人老了,總對新一代的年輕人看不過眼,是PC,也是我吧。
原來專輯還有三首bonus track,隨CD會送上網址,唉,Pelle Carlberg,唉,唉,唉,唉。(待續)
Because Im Worth It – Pelle Carlberg lyrics
You take your telephone
And dial up a speed loan
You pack your weekend bag
And head out in to the unknown
You get in a cab
But you don’t chichat with the driver
You flicker through a magazine
You want the jacket on the cover
Because I’m worth it
Because I’m worth it People
Because I’m worth it
Because I’m worth it People
You live inside the ring
You like organic yoghurt
And you would never dream
of living in the outskirts
You don’t like second best
And you download all your music
Your laptop is your gem
It would be stupid not to use it
Because I’m worth it
Because I’m worth it People
Because I’m worth it
Because I’m worth it People
They always get what they want
i ll never fly with you ryan XDDD
有bonus track嗎?
我也有買他的專輯,但不覺有什麼網址提供bonus tracks.
hi Jean
那些字就有下載bonus tracks 的網址
我想是要login 去聽全首