挪威新樂隊Disaster in the Universe只是發表兩支單曲,第二首《Beach House》已經成為今個夏天的Summer hit。難怪,又好跳又好玩的節奏,電子加熱帶風情再加派對瘋狂情緒,可謂一撃即中。作為挪威樂隊,反而佢地冇話要唱挪威文,佢地咁講
The band has created an exciting sound combining rock, electronica, psychedelia and tropical instruments and rhythms, and performs their songs in English, French, Portugese and Ronga.
嘻嘻,佢地已經開始在大場表演,已剛在一大音樂節slottsfjell演出。簽新label New Times的佢地,又出奇地兩支singles都做到production上唔小野的mv,幾神奇。能否殺出歐洲?
「And we have probably produced 7 albums since No Way Down; a UK Garage record, a house record, an r ‘n’ b record… but we’ve never been able to finish anything, nothing was ever good enough. We have tried so hard, and we truly gave it all we had. And now we have decided to stop trying, even though it breaks our hearts. But for all the reasons mentioned above, and for a thousand more, we don’t regret a thing.」
The Loveable Tulips由Pia and Pernilla組成,基本上兩人在音樂圈已浸淫了一段日子,為過 Jenny Wilson, El Perro Del Mar and Frida Hyvönen等作和音,如今她們終於經Minty Fresh Records,正式以自己名義出音樂。
對比起上支單曲《I am Just a Heart》,最新單曲《Streets》是瑞典獨有的可愛清爽的獨立音樂,單是結他與bass再加鼓,便可以跌蕩有節,再以Pia and Pernilla兩把重疊的聲音,以傳統choir式演唱法唱出。簡單美麗。
來自奧斯陸的樂隊Team Me今年可謂是挪威其中一個重量單位,簽下Propeller Recordings,稍前己推出到英國錄音及製作的首張同名EP 【Team Me】,相隔三個月現即推出首張大碟【To The Treetops! and beyond】!哇!
其實Team Me原本係Marius D. Hagen的one man band,但好似其他類似projects 一樣,越玩越大,而家變成一行七人的大orchestrated樂隊。咦,所以咁樣,我覺得Team Me就好似Architecture in Helsinki的北歐版本一樣,玩味搞鬼有學術派風格卻聽得出有北歐不一樣的聲音,不過就冇咁多instruments 同多d 電音同結他。你單係聽佢live 玩呢首個名長到冇朋友的《With My Hands Covering Both of my Eyes I am Too Scared to Have a Look at You Now》就會明白我所講的描述,確實係又好玩又catchy 又爽勁的indie pop,難怪被國家電台nrk p3 猛咁播成為A-List作品。唔講其他,單係專輯第一cut 《Riding My Bicycle (From Ragnvalsbekken To Sørkedalen)》近十分鐘的單車之旅而攝了你的靈魂!