We asked a group of experts to rank Hong Kong’s best musicians according to talent, individuality, career achievements, promise for the future, and X factor. Then we put the results into a barrel and stirred. Here’s what we came up with.
單看選取條件有「promise for the future, and X factor」這兩環,而第一位竟是仍然我們親愛的明哥時,再到12位竟然出現何韻詩。然而,其他選擇又會有一些「另類」的單位出現時,例如第8位出現了ST我也替他高興…雖然我知道Timeout是一本歷史悠久而是走高品味目標讀者是外國人加中產的品味雜誌,但是看著這樣子選一個香港top20,本人真是難以接受。
再看何韻詩的稿,唉,扮椎名林檎滿口抱負卻其實唱鄭秀文式肉麻麻情歌的,幾時是「stylish and charismatic Cantopop star」?呢個時代仲用「star」呢個字?
Denise Ho, the stylish and charismatic Cantopop star, has built a loyal following with her killer combo of dynamite live performances and bold artistic choices. Ho makes our list not only for her compelling turns in song, stage, and film, but also for her reliably outspoken mind.
還未夠,再看這版,吳雨霏的一行,哦,” to develop her own, edgier image’,哦,我而家終於明白英文的力量。
Kary Ng A pop rock singer who left the saccharine girl band Cookies to develop her own, edgier image.
Tower of Foil
Faster than your eye
對於99年已組成的瑞典樂隊Tower of Foil,我是兩年月前才認識他們。四人樂隊的他們聲稱自己玩的是pure pop,旋律是著眼點。當我聽了他們2007年的最新EP【Faster than your eye】時,我便深信不疑。
無論是清脆剔透的鍵盤引入的《Soft Stars》美好流行曲,或是層次豐富細緻的結他舖層的《Faster than your eye》中展露的深情浪漫,抑或是《Robins and wrens》的輕快流暢pop rock ,都流露著屬於上世紀80s的美好流行曲味道,細緻豐富的編曲帶著一陣老歌味卻不屬老套,可以浪漫得想起Air,整體感覺又想起Elton John的Ballad。
Tower of Foil 也許暫時名不經傳,但當我反覆細聽便發現其誠實的可愛。加上他們由2000年開始的所有作品,包括這張最新EP都是免費陳列供各位下載,他們細心得連Cover art 也準備好了,你還等甚麼?聽聽吧。
Jonas Färm多次公開表示自己遇上writer’s block,因為沉重壓力,令第四張大碟在製作途中夭折,當我逐漸以為starlet已成過去時,終於收到Labrador 一封「Starlet is back」的newsletter,呀,回來了。
Jonas一直沒提及究竟他遇上了什麼事令他的創作、創意與音樂都被迫停下來,而不能再繼續。他多次提及他內心的黑暗。我明白的,2002年【When Sun Falls On My Feet】這張專輯,當中的結他搖滾是我聽過最黑暗與陰沉的。在陽光普照下,他們的天空是灰色的,比起刻意傷悲的sad core,他們在結他搖滾中流露的是現實生活中慢慢滲透出來的絕望。
Jonas Färm重新振作,Starlet 重新出發,從他最喜歡的Depeche Mode 入手,以cover Depeche mode 1982年推出的【A Broken Frame】大碟中的《The Sun & The Rainfall》再與樂迷見面。由原版的詭異迷濛的氣氛,變為Starlet式的結他與電音的低迴作品,仍是如此糜爛而美麗。
不論如何,祝被labrador形容為這兩年活於貧困與不安的Jonas與starlet安好。Things must change。
Someone will call
Something will fall
And smash on the floor
Without reading the text
Know what comes next
Seen it before
And it’s painful
Things must change
We must rearrange them
Or we’ll have to estrange them
All that I’m saying
The game’s not worth playing
Over and over again
You’re the one I like best
You retain my interest
You’re the only one
If it wasn’t for you
Don’t know what I’d do
Unpredictable like the sun
And the rainfall
Things must change
We must rearrange them
Or we’ll have to estrange them
All that I’m saying
The game’s not worth playing
Over and over again