日本電影,也成為最近的首選,因為日本電影真的太奇特。想要意想不到,看日本電影總會達到如此功能。昨日看園子溫Sion Sono在Netflix上的最新作品《The Forest of Love 愛なき森で叫べ 》,哇,雖然無《Love Exposure》這麼精彩,但依然是讓你看得滿頭問號及不安的好電影。
電影當中有日本女歌手戸川純1984年的作品《パンク蛹化の女 》,改編自Johann Pachelbel 《卡農D 調Canon in D》,唱出大家都在追求但其實不存在現實的純潔美好意境。
聽Canon in D這樣唱,當然聯想起基本上同樣是改編/base on Canon in D的《K歌之王》,陳輝陽又一將古典融入港式流行的傑作。《K歌之王》是Canon in D的變奏不是秘密,只是香港沒太多人寫。當年彭羚翻唱,梁基爵索性用Canon in D 最經典的一段用作前奏。
當年陳輝陽這樣融合古典的做法,有James Ting刻意取經,為Shine製作的首支單單曲《祖與占》便是取樣Canon in D。
同一時間,不少文化評論人亦慨嘆節目水準下降,常請明星作嘉賓,變得娛樂化。然而,討論的重心不是單在Question Time ,而是整個BBC身上——QT不是唯一一個變得比以往通俗的節目。面對其他商業電視台的競爭,以及大眾與政客持續的批評,公營、自主及非商業的BBC一直尋求製作更高收視、更多人收看的節目。這十年保守黨執政,英國政府節財,大幅縮減所有公眾開支,BBC一直是政客的攻擊對象,所以BBC就變得更是歇斯底里。
例如「天馬行空」,如果叫我譯,我就只會用creative 或imaginative 。英文不似中文,沒有這些「四字成語」,idioms的用法亦很不同。英文普遍喜歡用形容詞再去解釋補充句子,反而中文喜歡用一個形容詞或四字成員去概括一個人或一件事,就係兩個語言的基本分別,所以學英文第一件事就應該學習呢點。而毛孟靜的out of the box,就明顯不是「天馬行空」更不是「想像力豐富」,說I think out of the box而是指一些人能夠反傳統,可以好彈性諗到新計,即係nonconformal, creative thinking (可參考) 。在creative industry 或普通見工,很多時大家都會強調自己能夠think out of the box,如果你話自己「天馬行空」(通常在實際context 呢個字更有neagtive connotation),咁叫人請你都難。
另一個建議out of the blue就完全錯,首先out of the blue 係adverb,指一些東西突然之間沒有預計下發生,Cambridge dictionary 的definition係
C1 If something happens out of the blue, it is completely unexpected:
To speak on behalf of the majority of Hongkongers who have been pursuing freedom and democracy for decades, I am writing to urge the BBC to expend the coverage on the democratic situation in Hong Kong in order to make the world aware that China has been maliciously handling Hong Kong just like what they have been doing to Tibet and other minorities in the country. Frankly We have been very disappointed with the BBC and the likes of the prestigious international media for failing to cover the gradually deteriorating human right and democratic situation in Hong Kong.
This year is the critical time for the future of Hong Kong. Not only because the Hong Kong government has been ferociously undermining our autonomous government body and our local cultures under the influence of the central government of China, but also China blatantly violated the “One country two systems” agreement between Britain and China by releasing a white paper in which it reinterprets “One country two systems” in June this year.
Stating that our sovereign power is strictly limited to how much the central Chinese government is willing to delegate, the white paper delineates the sovereignty of Hong Kong, and it also claims that the leader of Hong Kong has to be patriotic to both China and Hong Kong. In this case, in other words, it simply implies that the chief executive of Hong Kong must be a pro-Beijing politician. This revision to the One Country Two System policy is an alarmingly vile and destructive measure from the central Chinese government side to take over Hong Kong.
On top of this, a week ago, the legislative council forcefully and, allegedly, unlawfully passed a bill that blurs the border between Hong Kong and China intentionally regardless of a series of lengthy large-scale protests and the backlash in the society.
We have been crying for international help and tried to plead with the British government for urgent involvement, but to no avail. It comes to the point that we pretty much suspect it might boil down to the ubiquitous political pressure from China, the fastest-growing economy on earth. Hong Kong is going to become – or has already become – an authoritarian regime, and the Hong Kong government, which has completely lost its credibility, is not a government we can rely on whatsoever. We, therefore, urgently need international attention and support. Please, restore our trust in humanity and the trust in the BBC and the like.
當外國民主社會如英國,連明人好似Russell Brand 最近提倡不提票,認為政治無意思,而Morrissey新碟亦打正旗號同你講「World peace is none of your business」,而香港仍然在無希望下爭取乜野中國認可的民主,難怪香港所有野都冇進步落後左幾十萬年。又難怪極右的英國UKip走populist 路線,而家唱著要増加公投次數會咁受低下市民歡迎⋯⋯不過,講返Morrissey,佢當然仍然是主張Anarchy吧,當中唱警察濫權之類的已經是老調重談,最新的還是當中「不投票」的主意,everytime you vote you support the process,就是咯,有民主都這麼無力無奈,冇民主的香港人,真係活在地獄。
由Morrissey 推出其Autobiography 後,我的日子就很The Smiths,很Morrissey。新碟【World peace is none of your business】看來至少是【You are the Quarry】後的最佳作,我就覺得應該會是比起這張更出色,因為四支曝光singles 都已經覺得Morrissey 再上力,而且他的情緒應該比起Quarry時期更黑暗更深忱,《Bullfighter dies》是Morrissey 一貫的黑色幽默爽勁短打,與The Smiths的《Panic》是同系,唱著「Hurray Hurray The bullfighter dies, and no body cries, because we all want the bull to survive 」,實在是很簡單直接。
另一首《Earth is the Loneliest Planet on Earth》,則似是三十年後回應所有The Smiths 時期的傷感主題,包括How Soon is Now,Please Please Please let me get what I want 等人生如地底泥的作品,日復日他們說「始終一天⋯」,但你在錯的地方,你有一張錯的臉,而人類其實不是十分人道,地球是最寂寞的地方;永遠有一些理由令你被拒絕,而他們總責備「是你的錯」,地球是最殘酷的地方,殘酷得我們不明白,但卻沒有人能夠做任何事。