狂歡Hold Music


如果還未接觸過Architecture in Helsinki的朋友,別以為他們是來自芬蘭的Helsinki,其實他們是來自澳洲的樂團。首兩張專輯技驚四座,【In Case we die】更是精彩絕倫。八人大樂隊的他們,每人都懂得演奏不同樂器,也許就是他們的音樂多姿多采的原因。


不過,由八人變六人,Isobel Knowles 與Tara Shackell 兩位女團員離團,不知是否與剛推出的最新專輯【Places Like This】沒之前動聽有關,電音多了,人聲卻少了,也少了以前精彩的玩聲,也許是之前太精彩了?無論如何,新碟依然好聽,尤其這首單曲《Hold Music》,仍然保持著那份傻勁與神經質。MV更是像向日本的特攝超人致敬,在彈床上跳跳玩玩,與歌曲一樣單純地好玩。


New Buffalo 是來自澳洲的Sally Seltmann的創作女歌手,推出了兩張專輯,她最廣受人認識的作品應是給加拿大歌手Feist寫下的單曲《1 2 3 4》,其實她自己的作品一樣動聽,或者是更動聽。例如最新單曲《Cheer Me Up Thank You(MV觀看)》美妙得實在如身在澳洲享受著寫意的一個陽光寫意的下午,MV也將這樣單純的感覺拍出來。


Sally Seltmann除了有把美嗓子外,外表也是一個美女,如斯配搭,真妙。2007年頭推出的【Somewhere, Anywhere.】也是一張一直在默默聽默默享受的好專輯,很快介紹一下。

Cheer Me Up Thank You – Lyrics
so it goes
the ordinary people, they do not know
who we are or what we’re doing here
they want you to pick up the phone
and hum the dial tone
you see, we should start from the top
and look at what we’ve done

wild flowers growing in the park
summertime, and it melts into dark
dancing together at night until two
cheering me up, and i’m thanking you

so it goes
the ordinary people, they do not know
who we are or what we’re doing here
they want you to pick up the phone
and hum the dial tone
you see, we should start from the top
and look at what we’ve done

wild flowers growing in the park
summertime, and it melts into dark
dancing together at night until two
cheering me up, and i’m thanking you

you’re cheering me up
and i’m thanking you
guess what, you’re cheering me up
and i’m thanking you

Múm 的紙色恐怖MV

冰島的Mum的專輯【Go Go Smear The Poison Ivy】即將推出,單曲《They Made Frogs Smoke ‘Til They Exploded》的MV卻經已出動,由Ingibjörg Birgisdóttir執導處理的MV,利用STOPMOTION ANIMATION技巧利用畫紙上的繪圖,玩弄紙張上的暴力血腥,風格弔詭。現Pitchfork率先送上。






MV以Long Take一Take過拍好,更是玩reverse效果,整段片倒轉播,范曉萱的形態很帥,畫面的效果也配合得很好。相信是今年華語樂壇不能忽略的好看MV。




導演︰Michel Gondry︱國家︰美國︱ 年份︰2006
夢的科學,由Sigmund Freud呀,Surrealism呀,甚至我一班同學在畢業作品都紛紛要以夢作題材,夢由古至今都是如此的熱門。

Michel Gondry的《戀愛夢遊中Science des rêves, La》似是一部變為長片的MV,在音樂的背後是天馬行空的想像︰玩弄Early Cinema的元素、Stop Motion Movie技巧及模型動畫。P. S. R. Parallel Synchronized Randomness、REM、一秒鐘時光機、玻璃紙的水、棉花的雲、大大的手、蜘蛛的電剃刀,都是令你會心微美的元素。將現實與夢境(潛意識)交織為不可劃分的映像,將愛恨情慾錯配到不同的空間,令Charlotte Gainsbourg與Gael García Bernal飾演的Stéphanie及Stéphane糾纏,便是這電影。

對比Michel Gondry以往的作業,《戀愛夢遊中》不帶來驚喜的,感覺像是一個大雜燴,然而,還是看得人輕鬆兼留有思想與幻想空間的電影。雖然,結局的處理總覺得不用這麼傷感俗套。



OK GO︱Do What You Want︱Director:Olivier Gondry︱2006

Michel Gondry 大哥Olivier Gondry冇細佬咁出名,但其實都有不少作品。就像來自芝加哥的Geek Pop樂隊OK GO的《Do What You Want》的這個MV,便是出自其手筆。將Panning變成極速的Camera Movement造就這隊平時怪氣非常的OK GO變成帥氣非常的樂團。

且慢,如果你不認識OK GO,那你一定要欣賞他們自資自導自拍的精彩MV,不論是「A Million Ways」中合拍的怪裡怪氣舞蹈至到在跑步機上的體操的「Here It Goes Again」都會令你嘖嘖稱奇,這班人身手太好了。


Paul Mccartney Dances tonight


我一直認為The Beatles 是最出色的流行樂團來的。對The Beatles的情義結,找個時候才說…

而對Paul Mccartney的特別情感,除了是因為我是生於他的生日外,他的年齡也剛好與我老爸一樣,老了。昨夜在MTV無意間看到他的一個訪問,關於新唱片的,說到《END OF THE END》的一曲的死亡題材,這位六十五歲的男士當然並沒有任何心情激動,但對於年幼喪失父母的他,死亡似是不是甚麼新鮮的話題。


看著《END OF THE END》的歌詞,Paul Mccartney的筆法,沒有老去,仍是如此簡潔秀麗,但窩心感人。正如他在訪問說的話一樣現實但觸動人心︰最傷心的,就是打開門不能再見到他們,與他們來個擁抱一樣。


緊接觀看《Dance Tonight》的MV那些穿著特別的costume的半透明角色,便覺得充滿著情感與寄託。拿著Mandoline的他在悠然彈奏,加上這間古老房子的裝飾,讓我想起【Yellow Submarine】的映像,虛幻的世界,永遠年輕的空間。

Paul Mccartney – End of the End Lyrics

At the end of the end
It’s the start of a journey
To a much better place
And this wasn’t bad
So a much better place
Would have to be special
No need to be sad

On the day that I die I’d like jokes to be told
And stories of old to be rolled out like carpets
That children have played on
And laid on while listening to stories of old

At the end of the end
It’s the start of a journey
To a much better place
And a much better place
Would have to be special
No reason to cry


On the day that I die I’d like bells to be rung
And songs that were sung to be hung out like blankets
That lovers have played on
And laid on while listening to songs that were sung

At the end of the end
It’s the start of a journey
To a much better place
And a much better place
Would have to be special
No reason to cry
No need to be sad
At the end of the end